Java Source Code: net.rubyeye.xmemcached.example memcachedClient = new XMemcachedClient(this.sessionLocator, this.bufferAllocator, XMemcachedClientBuilder (xmemcached 2.4.7 API) - why com.danga.MemCached.MemCachedClient can not get the value which was Platform: spymemcached-2.1.3.jar, 64 bit Windows 7 membase (Non Clustered Environment) spymemcached java client memcache. membase. MemcachedMemcached JavaXmemcached The following code examples are extracted from open source projects. net.rubyeye.xmemcached MemcachedClient getAuthInfoStringMap. net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient.get java code examples - Tabnine set. Java XMemcachedClientBuilder - You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the . net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient#incr Xmemcached supports connection pool instead of client can create more connections to one or more memcached servers,and these connections share the same reactor and thread pools,it will reduce the cost of system. MemcachedClient (xmemcached 2.4.7 API) - Java MemcachedClient.flushAll - 4 examples found. In both sides, I am using persistent connections. net.rubyeye.xmemcached. Interface MemcachedClient. Retruns the AuthInfo for all server strings (hostname:port) Popular methods of MemcachedClient. *. In addition, I also inspected the real key in memcached server, there is no encode for the key. Extreme performance modern memcached client for java License: Apache 2.0: Categories: Cache Clients: Tags: cache client: Ranking #3912 in MvnRepository (See Top Artifacts) #5 in Cache Clients: Used By: 95 artifacts: Central (33) Version Vulnerabilities Repository Usages Date; 2.4.x. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar. PS: there is no special characters in the key, just simple word. The following examples show how to use net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient. java. Store key-value item to memcached. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. XMemcached-- - memcached. 1.SpringBoot (Simple) springboot. Java MemcachedClient.get, . These examples are extracted from open source projects. : net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient client = new net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient(new BinaryConnectionFactory(), AddrUtil.getAddresses(endpoint1+:11211+ +. Build MemcachedClient by current options. Return the default networking's configuration,you can change them. nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No matching bean of type [net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency I thought defaultMemcachedClient bean is supposed to be my memcached client. XMemcached api - yangkai_keven - You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. rubyeye. These are the top rated real world Java examples of net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient.flushAll extracted from open source projects. Xmemcached supports connection pool instead of client can create more. net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClientBuilder#build src. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. The following examples show how to use net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient#incr() . * connections to one or more memcached servers,and these connections share the same reactor and. MemcachedClientmemcachedXMemcachedClient . Maven Repository: com.googlecode.xmemcached xmemcached Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. Javadoc. Java Code Examples of net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient MemcachedClient.get 7 . net. Project: xmemcached Explorer; Outline; benchmark. xmemcached/ at master killme2008 - GitHub All Known Implementing Classes: . memcached. Xmemcached supports connection pool instreadof client can create more connections to one or more memcached servers,and these connections share the same reactor and thread pools,it will reduce the cost of system. I have 10000 items in my bucket two memcached instances on my machine itself. I used net.rubyeye.xmemcached.XMemcachedClient set a value to memcached server used key "key1". The following code examples are extracted from open source projects. I hit get on all 10000 items in php-memcached and in java using xmemcached. Java MemcachedClient.get - java - Trying to instantiate xmemcached client - Stack Overflow MemcachedClientnet.rubyeye.xmemcachedMemcachedClient15Java Store key-value item to memcached. src. All Known Implementing Classes: XMemcachedClientBuilder. Parameters: Project: xmemcached Explorer; Outline; benchmark. Delete key's date item from memcached only if its cas value is the same as what was read. net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient . MemcachedClient.set (Showing top 19 results out of 315) net.rubyeye.xmemcached MemcachedClient set. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. but I can't get back the value use com.danga.MemCached.MemCachedClient use the same key. net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient.setOpTimeout java code examples net.rubyeye.xmemcached.XMemcachedClient.<init> java code examples | Tabnine Homepage net.rubyeye.xmemcached MemcachedClient get. xmemcached - qq871928901 - Java MemcachedClient - delete. Java @SingletonConcurrentManagementType.BEANConcurrentHashMap_Java net.rubyeye.xmemcached.command.BinaryCommandFactory,TextCommandFactory(),KestrelCommandFactory: sessionLocator: XMemcachedClientIT xref - * thread pools,it will reduce the cost of system. Projects; Search; About; Project; Source; Issues; Wikis; Downloads Returns connect timeout in milliseconds package net.rubyeye.xmemcached.example; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; net.rubyeye.xmemcached. net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient#shutdown You may check out the related API . These examples are extracted from open source projects. public void setConnectionPoolSize ( int poolSize ); XMemcachedClientBuildernet.rubyeye.xmemcachedXMemcachedClientBuilder15Java Memcached key valueWebmemcachedXMemcachedjava XMemcached Java MemcachedClient.flushAll Examples, net.rubyeye.xmemcached setMergeFactor(final int mergeFactor) getConnectTimeout() setConnectTimeout(long connectTimeout) getConnector() setOptimizeGet(final boolean optimizeGet) setOptimizeMergeBuffer(fi Home com.googlecode.xmemcached xmemcached Xmemcached. It's not . spymemcachedxmemcached-2 xmemcached - * @param poolSize pool size,default is 1. */. GitHub - killme2008/xmemcached: High performance, easy to use net. ConcurrencyManagementType.BEAN@SingletonMemcachedClientnet.rubyye.xmemcachedmemcached MemCachier xmemcached - programador clic The following examples show how to use net.rubyeye.xmemcached.exception.MemcachedException. XMemcachedClient (xmemcached 2.4.7 API) - We've built a small Java example, using SpyMemcached with Jetty: MemCachier Java Jetty sample app. To use SpyMemcached with Maven you need to add the spymemcached . These examples are extracted from open source projects. 1 package net.rubyeye.xmemcached.test.unittest; 2 3 import; 4 import; 5 import java.nio.ByteBuffer; 6 import java.util . XMemcached is a high performance, easy to use blocking multithreaded memcached client in java. get; set. The following examples show how to use net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient#shutdown() . SpringBoot _naki_bb-CSDN I started off with xmemcached. You can click to vote up the examples that are useful to you. Xmemcached supports connection pool instreadof client can create more connections to one or more memcached servers,and these connections share the same reactor and thread pools,it will reduce the cost of system.Default pool size is 1 . Enable JMX supports,default is false: java -Dxmemcached.jmx.enable=true -Dxmemcached.rmi.port=7077 Access MBean through: #. rubyeye. Search. memcachedClient = new XMemcachedClient(this.sessionLocator, this.bufferAllocator,. Javadoc. It's nio based and was carefully turned to get top performance. net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient Java Exaples net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient.set java code examples - Tabnine Memcached java - CodeRoad shutdown; add. net.rubyeye.xmemcached.transcoders.SerializingTranscoderjavadoc: bufferAllocator: IoBuffernet.rubyeye.xmemcached.buffer.SimpleBufferAllocatorCachedBufferAllocator() failureMode: failuretrue XMemcachedClientBuilder (xmemcached 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT API) Java Code Examples for net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar. Map<InetSocketAddress,AuthInfo> getAuthInfoMap() return current all auth info. this.memcachedClient =; this.memcachedClient.setOpTimeout(opTimeout); long: getConnectTimeout(). Best Java code snippets using net.rubyeye.xmemcached. You may wish to look the xmemcached Wiki or JavaDocs.. SpyMemcached. Interface MemcachedClientBuilder. @Cacheable . Java Code Examples for net.rubyeye.xmemcached.XMemcachedClientBuilder. 2.4.7: build () The following examples show how to use net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClientBuilder #build () . You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples. You can click to vote up the examples that are useful to you. Java Code Examples of net.rubyeye.xmemcached.XMemcachedClientBuilder net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient.getAuthInfoStringMap java code MemcachedClientBuilder (xmemcached 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT API) - GitHub Pages Same number of items are get. Specified by: setConnectionPoolSize in interface MemcachedClientBuilder. CentOS 6.4Memcached1.4.20Memcached net.rubyeye.xmemcached.monitor (xmemcached 2.4.7 API) I am using binary protocol and connection pool of 5 for my test. java - How to make xmemcached faster - Stack Overflow Get value by key Popular methods of MemcachedClient. You may check out the related API usage on . BufferAllocator: getBufferAllocator() CommandFactory: Memcached-- . package net.rubyeye.xmemcached.example; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; Java Source Code: net.rubyeye.xmemcached.example.BinaryProtocolExample net.rubyeye.xmemcached.exception.MemcachedException net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClientBuilder. public void onConnect(MemcachedSession session, MemcachedClient client) . Spymemcached membase server - CodeRoad
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