Marine Exchange data reveals the constraints of the Los Angeles/Long Beach port complex. A major factor contributing to their congestion is a lack of rail equipment for intermodal takeaway of the near-record surge of imports. Here's the latest on what's going on at Long Beach: Conditions at LA/Long Beach have improved over the past few months, but congestion in other parts of the country is worsening. 1/7/2022. Although the total number of container ships waiting to berth at U.S. ports has fallen from a peak of 150 at the start of the year to 125, many more . September 14, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. . New research commissioned by the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) finds that equipment shortages, capacity limits, and logistical chokepoints throughout the entire supply chain have created the backlog of container vessels and marine terminals slowing trade at U.S. West Coast ports. These containers waiting. Oct 28, 2022. As of 3.20 pm Singapore time today, there were 328 ships idling in front of ports around the world with 116 ports reporting challenges, such as congestion. On May 17, 2022 some 29 container ships were waiting outside the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, compared to just five container ships waiting at the ports on October 13, 2020 . July 29, 2022 at 3:21 p.m. Shippers that diverted cargo to the East and Gulf coasts during the pandemic-related . A A A. U.S. port congestion has shifted from the West Coast to the East Coast, with more vessels now waiting at New York and Houston ports than Los Angeles and Long Beach. As a follow-up to our CustomerNEWS dated October 29, 2021, this update will provide you with frequently asked questions concerning the Los Angeles / Long Beach Port Authority Policy update.. For your reference, the official announcements from the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles can be found at the following links: City News Service is a regional wire service covering Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Diego counties. Its reporting and editing staff cover public safety, courts, local government and. April 13 , 2022. On a port-by-port basis of the country's 10 largest, Long Beach saw the highest import container volume in June, with growth of 16.4 percent to total 415,677 twenty-foot equivalents (TEUs). The number of import containers waiting for more than nine days at both . U.S., Guam, and Northern Mariana Islands Market: Fuel Adjustment Factor effective 1 July 2022. After several months of severe congestion at key ports on the U.S. West Coast, the issues have now shifted to the other side of the country. Charleston saw the largest decline of 14.7 percent to 90,090 TEUs. Los Angeles and Long Beach. It is the second-busiest container seaport in the country and is located in the Californian city of Long Beach on 3,200 acres of land with 25 miles (40 km) of waterfront. Oakland had 6.92 days of import container dwell time while Long Beach had 5.61 days. The Port of Long Beach earned three Awards of Excellence - the equivalent of first-place trophies - from the American Association of Port Authorities for outstanding communications at the organization's annual conference in Orlando. Charleston saw the largest decline of 14.7 percent to 90,090 TEUs. It has worsened from 8.3 days a month ago. Therefore, the port of LA and Long Beach saw a 50% increase in cargo over the second half of 2020. A A A. Crane Worldwide Logistics says the current congestion building at the European ports will take over eight weeks to clear and will only increase as the logjam builds up. Green Port Fair 2022. Sat, Nov 5, 12:00 PM. Two US West Coast ports - Oakland and Long Beach - came in second and third respectively on our import dwell time list. Facebook. The Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach Container Dwell Fee is on hold until November 18, 2022. . East Coast port congestion now worse than West Coast. Plagued by infections in February 2021, around 800 of the 15,000 longshore workers normally running the twin ports were not working. As of April 7 there were 15 containers vessels carrying a total of 95,000 TEU at anchor, waiting to enter California's Ports of . December 8, 2021 5102 In a joint announcement this past Monday, December 6th, the sprawling Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach announced they would each delay the implementation of the new "Container Dwell Fee" until December 13th. July 22, 2021. No relief for Long Beach Port Congestion 2021 after pandemic and Suez Canal incident The Port of Long Beach is the second-busiest container gateway in the US after the adjacent Port of Los Angeles. March 18, 2022 - The Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach will delay consideration of the "Container Dwell Fee" for another week, this time until March 25. The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach on Friday, April 15, once again delayed implementing a fee on companies whose import containers linger at marine terminals, despite signs that. Greg Miller Monday, July 11, 2022 4 minutes read On-dock rail operations in Long Beach (Photo: AP Photo/Jae C. Hong) The number of container ships waiting off Los Angeles and Long Beach is well off its highs, but the pileup of import containers waiting on Southern California terminal yards is rapidly reapproaching its peak. Please be advised that an ongoing port congestion at Los Angeles and Long Beach is impacting vessel and gate productivity at Global Gateway South and other marine terminals serving APL . Top it off with a Covid-19 infected workforce to make matters worse. . Community Grants Workshop - Future Funding . . July 20 , 2022. The Harbor Department of the City of Long Beach, also known as the Port of Long Beach (USLGB, port code: 2704), is a significant entry point for US-Asian commerce. While relief may come from a future reduction in imports from Asia, volumes of which were up 31 percent in the first four months of 2022 versus the same period in 2019, according to IHS Markit data, the challenge is catching up with volumes that are already moving through the supply chain. The two San Pedro Bay ports have seen a combined decline of 62% in aging cargo on the docks since the program was announced on Oct. 25. And it hasn't stopped to this day. Concern is growing again that longer cargo dwell times could mean a return of port congestion on the West Coast, Port of Long Beach Executive Director Mario Cordero said Monday, April 11, at the . Read. Since congestion began, the total number of ships either at anchor or at berth has risen and fallen it was an all-time-high 92 on Thursday, more than five times pre-COVID levels. The specific number of container vessels that normally loiter or are anchored outside the 150-mile safety . Congestion is an operational concern still . Of the vessels, 46 are container ships including 16 at anchor or loitering and 30 at berth. Kim Biggar July 13, 2022. . June 10, 2022 12:02 PM PT. On January 4, 2022, the Southern California Marine Exchange reported 110 total ships in the ports of Los Angeles (LA) and Long Beach (LB). 2022-10-30 11:58 HKT The new year saw the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach bring record highs for severe port congestion in the shipping industry, with a record 105 container ships waiting to berth outside LA/LB. Data from the same provider a month ago . Live Map of Vessels Outside the Port of LA and Port of Long Beach Courtesy of, the following map shows a live feed of the unprecedented congestion outside the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles. Use the filter on the left side of the map to toggle different vessel types. Zero-emission trucks on way to Long Beach port, LA port giving $5 million to buy ZEV trucks By Christina Merino. At the start of 2022, three-quarters of the backup was concentrated at the West Coast; by now, three-quarters have shifted to the East Coast and Gulf. The Port of Los Angeles, the United States' busiest, is preparing for the early arrival of the 2022 peak season for cargo as retailers stock up on back-to-school and . Despite historically congested ports, the U.S. spent Christmas without many empty shelves. Press Releases CMA CGM further . Delays noted for rail deliveries on import cargo from Long Beach and Oakland especially. The cargo surge is expected to continue until the summer of 2022, but the congestion and backlog could be eliminated sooner, Cordero said in his presentation. Los Angeles / Long Beach: 25 Oct 2022 - Vessel wait time is up to 2 days at Long Beach due to import volumes. US port congestion set to worsen as rail and truck strikes loom. The ports had previously planned on implementing the charges as of this week. Nov 09. On a port-by-port basis of the country's 10 largest, Long Beach saw the highest import container volume in June, with growth of 16.4 percent to total 415,677 twenty-foot equivalents (TEUs). Tuesday, May 31, 2022. The combined complex handled 4.97 million TEUs in the first quarter of 2021, up 34.9% from January-March 2020. A long-term vision, Cordero.

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long beach port congestion july 2022