The main goal of a sustainability report is to provide transparency on the company's contribution to . Amazon's 2021 Sustainability Report builds on our sustainability progress over the last decadeparticularly since 2019 when we co-founded The Climate Pledge and announced our commitment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions across our business by 2040. Environmental Sustainability Supplier Sustainability A Healthy Amgen . What is Sustainability Reporting? Anthem, Inc. is a health benefit company. November 2021. Our Governance . Head Office 55 City Centre Drive Suite 1000 Mississauga, ON L5B 1M3 Canada T 905-281-3800 The moment communities come together to better meet the needs of their people. 2015 Proxy Statement. The Green Chemistry movement is driven by scientists, researchers and engineers aiming to create alternative processes that protect and preserve natural resources while reducing toxic waste. 04.02.2015. April 2021. 2019 Responsibility Highlights Report > 2019 Responsibility Highlights Report. Stakeholders expect us to clearly communicate where . Anthem Environment and Sustainability Initiative. Chairman and CEO Letter and Amgen Inc. 2016 Annual Report. By connecting talented people united in purpose, we strive to lift up underserved communities, inspire the workforce . We began reporting voluntarily on our environmental performance with the first Shell Report that covered 1997. Regarding your question about the Anthem - PlayStation 4: Anthem is an online multiplayer action role-playing video game with both FPS and free roam elements during game play. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact MyTGTtech at 877-698-4883 every day, between 7am-11pm CST. Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2021. View 2022 ESG Report. May 20, 2020 - At Anthem, we believe that our business and social responsibility stories are one better health is our social responsibility. Recognizing the importance of delivering health beyond healthcare and making a positive difference in the world, we are pleased to share our 2020 Annual and Corporate Responsibility Report. From 2015, our Annual Report has been integrated into the Sustainability Report. Find updated news and information at Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. Case studies. mate percentages of associate compensation and overhead and outside lobbying consultant fees. 10-K Annual Report Summary 10-K Annual Report 10-K YoY Changes. Shipping details. Latest Comprehensive Report. Cigna Connects, our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) approach, is structured around four pillars that underscore our mission to improve the health, well-being, and peace of mind of those we serve. Estimated ship dimensions: 1 inches length x 6 inches width x 9 inches height . Future Fuels to Fight Climate Change - by Rachel Kehoe (Paperback) $67.99. Older/Archived Annual Reports. Humana's vision and overall objective deal with sustainability at an individual and societal level. Shipping details. Reach Us. Anthem is committed to the highest standards of quality, compliance, and on-time delivery. all annual reports. One way we are addressing the need is with Dell Image Analysis (DIA), a fraud prevention tool that analyzes images to detect falsification at the metadata level. Amphenol's high-performance culture of entrepreneurial accountability is uniquely powerful in ensuring a sustainable future.By giving our local management around the world the authority to run their respective businesses, the entire Amphenol organization is empowered to truly "think globally, but act locally.". NEW YORK February 15, 2022 The Anthem Awards, the new honor launched by The Webbys to recognize social impact work across the globe announced today that Nat Geo, Sandy Hook Promise, LIFEWTR, Forbes, RuPaul's . The Impact of Clean Energy Innovation: Examining the Impact of Clean Energy Innovation on the United States Energy System and Economy. 1978: FPL begins demand-side management program. A Message from Chairman, President and CEO Joseph R. Swedish . Jason Beach Vice President, Investor Relations Stryker Corporation 2825 Airview Boulevard Kalamazoo, MI 49002 269-385-2600 This site is governed solely by applicable U.S. laws and governmental regulations. Company highlights commitment to patient care, community and sustainability. 2019. We report in line with a number of voluntary reporting standards and frameworks - visit the Voluntary reporting . 5. 1984: FPL Group (renamed NextEra Energy in 2010) incorporated; appoints first female director; we have had at least one female director on our Achieving WELL Health-Safety Rating for our major facilities. The Anthem Environment and Sustainability Initiative (AESI) seeks to push the frontiers of scholarship while simultaneously offering prescriptive and programmatic advice to policymakers and practitioners around the world.The programme publishes research monographs, professional and major reference works, upper-level textbooks and general interest titles. Oversee the development, implementation, and reporting for all aspects of corporate sustainability. Sustainability: A description of the company's environmental and social performance. Share. Samsung. Conflict and Sustainability in a Changing Environment: Through the Eyes of Communities, by Gwendolyn Smith and Elena P. Bastidas, Anthem Press, 2017, 208 pp. It calls on companies to align . Investor Contacts. Duurzaamheidsrapport 2021. Show more. Sustainability Reports. Nov 2011 - Present11 years. (Anthem Sustainability and Risk Series, Anthem Environment and Sustainability Initiative (Aesi)) $9.19. Schwab is committed to building a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued. About Anthem, Inc. Anthem is a leading health benefits company dedicated to improving lives and communities, and making healthcare simpler. Continuously educating our employees and . Recognizing the important role we play in improving health and society at large, we are pleased to share our integrated 2019 Annual and Corporate Responsibility Report.. We are working to help build a better world by focusing on the environmental . A sustainability report is the main tool available to an organisation or company to voluntarily communicate its performance and impact positive or negative in environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. Our reporting reflects several international standards and guidelines, including the Global Reporting Initiative, CDP, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) . 03.26.2015. Google's Green Data Centers: Network POP Case Study. Renovating, constructing, operating and maintaining facilities in accordance with green and high performance building practices. Archived Annual Reviews. Raytheon Technologies supports those moments through Connect Up - our social responsibility initiative to drive transformative, generational impact. Read Our FY22 ESG Report. 2015 Form 10-K. 3.6MB. March 2021. 1995 Proxy Statement PDF Format Download (opens in new window) PDF 137 KB. Report incorrect product info. Rapport de durabilit 2021. Anthem's ESG Report offers insight into our environmental, social, and governance strategies, policies, and performance. 1995 Annual Report PDF Format Download (opens in new window) PDF 294 KB. Our four overall sustainability goals are to: Reducing energy and water consumption throughout our facilities. Latest Reports . 2020 Annual Report View Annual Report Download. 2015 Annual Report. Read the latest press releases on health insurance and health care. Please visit Humana's buildings already incorporate many of the strategies recommended by Fitwel, and the company is on track to achieve certification for the . 4. ESG Reporting & Data. The judges span expertise across causes such as human rights, education, health, arts and culture, and so much more. We hold ourselves accountable for making a meaningful impact on the health of our communities, strengthening our workforce, and enhancing the environmental sustainability of our operations and business activities. At Gilead, it's changing the way we produce lifesaving medicines in earth-friendly ways. Anthem has reached its limit for free report views. Our Process. As a global community, we've faced immense challenges, hardships, and grief. Elevance Health is part of the United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. Show more. Our Chief Sustainability Officer is responsible for establishing our strategy, reporting on environmental sustainability initiatives, and identifying climate-related risks and opportunities. Sustainability Report Jump to page The Exelon Interactive Corporation Sustainability Report (CSR) details our commitment to providing reliable, clean, affordable and innovative energy products. Suppliers shall support Anthem's paper recycling infinitives to include the enterprise, on-site document destruction program. 2.5MB. SBA is dedicated to meeting the challenge of building sustainable telecommunications networks, and we are proactive in developing sustainable solutions to mitigate the environmental impact and carbon footprint of our operations. We're also committed to actively improving the environmental health of our communities and using our resources and brand to support local programs and policies that create healthier . Anthem's Tax Department tracks these fees, and the amount in this report is a preliminary amount based on provisional quarterly tax filings for 2019. The exact data points will vary depending on the company's size, industry, and location. Announcing our Extended Entry Deadline! The Anthem Awards judges are intellectually diverse leaders in their field who are excited about purpose & mission-driven work because they're doing it, too. Amgen's mission is to serve patientsand it goes beyond making vital medicines. Tarana Burke Founder, Me Too Movement. Winners to gather at Anthem Voices event on Monday, February 28th with Actor and Activist Jay Ellis to host at 1994. We're shaping our collective future with our smart investments in clean energy. DENVER, April 29, 2020 / PRNewswire / -- DaVita Inc. today released its annual Community Care report, highlighting its commitment to corporate social responsibility and key clinical advancements in 2019. Our board plays a vital role in overseeing our corporate responsibility practices. At the core of Anthem's reporting efforts are the drive to understand the issues that matter most to our . The information in the report should be relevant to stakeholders. Anthem 2021 ESG Report. Fitwel Fitwel, originally created by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is a high-impact building approach and certification designed to support healthier workplace environments and improve occupant health and productivity. Investor Relations. The year 2020 will undoubtedly go down in history as a watershed moment in our time. Advancing Better Health Care How We Can Achieve This Goal . Report incorrect product info. Each section includes a variety of data points and performance indicators. Fiserv Inc. is the leading global provider of information management and electronic commerce systems for the financial services industry.They are trusted by more than 16,000 clients worldwide including banks, credit unions and thrifts of all sizes; mortgage lenders and leasing companies; telecommunications and utility companies; brokerage and investment firms; healthcare and insurance . "We provide life-sustaining care in the home, clinics and . Sustainability Report; OUR RESPONSE TO COVID-19. PDF. Full Report Thinking Big September 2019 - Sustainability (US) We conduct our business from a core of financial integrity and operational control, and we believe the only results worth achieving are those achieved with . Sustainability. 2 Anthem 2021 ESG Report 1979: FPL starts exploring alternative fuels, including solar power. We take enormous pride in the work that we do to raise funds and help local charities. Menu. Awareness of our impact on nature is now greater . Sustainable development is pretty well-defined by international organizations, multinational corporations, and governments. 2022; 2021; 2020; Previous Reports. Sustainability Report 2021. We are proud to issue our Corporate Sustainability Reports, further illustrating our commitment to continued . PDF. I am proud to present to you Aon's 2021 ESG Impact Report. This report also includes our work on a wider range of Amazon commitments and initiatives to support our employees, our supply chain . . IR Home Reports & Disclosures Sustainability Reports. Companies like Aon are no longer faced with a choice of . Cities, Climate Change, and Public Health - (Anthem Environment and Sustainability Initiative (Aesi)) by Ella Jisun Kim (Hardcover) $24.99 - $28.49. Chairman and CEO Letter and Amgen Inc. 2015 Annual Report. For example, a company could have a positive impact in terms of reducing CO2 emissions by introducing solar panels, but might be having negative effects in their . The contents of this report reflect the Henkel-relevant and material challenges of sustainable development. Sustainability reports. It was a year in which we faced new and ongoing obstacles, made progress on critical challenges and achieved hard earned successes. Google's Green Computing, Efficiency at Scale. We provide you with the main sustainability report of Samsung Electronics. Humana has defined four strategic target areas that, together with our core values, steer our business towards the vision that everyone is entitled to a good life. Aon's aim is to help businesses . 'The Labyrinth of Sustainability' explores the growth of corporate sustainability in Latin America, offering actionable insights to business leaders, policymakers, NGOs, academics and journalists through 12 case studies that examine the challenges and opportunities facing companies across . November 2020. 2011. Outlook: A description of the company's plans for the future. 2019 Annual Report View Annual Report Download. ACCESS TO MEDICINE. Brokerage Products: Not FDIC Insured No Bank Guarantee May Lose Value. For any questions regarding this report, please contact: Corporate Governance Investor Relations Sustainability Anthem is proud to be recognized for our corporate responsibility efforts. We do it to be transparent, and to show how we are contributing to sustainable development. Chairman and CEO Letter and Amgen Inc. 2014 Annual Report. Anthem's ESG Report offers insight into our environmental, social, and governance strategies, policies and performance. FEATURED JUDGES. Report Locked. We understand how important it is to earn the trust of all with whom we have contact. Chairman and CEO Letter and Amgen Inc. 2013 Annual Report. INQUIRIES. The Company has three segments: Commercial and Specialty Business, Government Business and Other. Our sustainability goals aim for deeper reductions in our own emissions, waste, and paper use, support of more sustainable food, and reducing harmful chemicals. LETTER FROM BOB BRADWAY. Estimated ship dimensions: 1.3 inches length x 5.7 inches width x 8.6 inches height. Message from our Chief Sustainability Officer. . Our firm exists to shape decisions for the better to protect and enrich the lives of people around the world. 03.31.2016. In 1992, we published our first Environment Report, which we have consistently developed and refined into today's Sustainability Report. We aim to be the most innovative, valuable and inclusive partner. B. Governance at a Glance. For inquiries about sustainability please email us at: Aon have been on the Isle of Man for over 50 years and have been an integral part of the Manx Community. People, planet, profits - sustainability is about all three. Sustainability is therefore integrated into our strategy. View our Sustainability Report to learn about our approach and progress on . This company has a Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report available to view on our partner site, Sustainability reporting helps organizations set goals, measure performance, and manage change in order to have the greatest impact and make their operations more economically, environmentally and socially responsible. A portion of the cost savings is returned to TriHealth, which can then be invested in preventive health and chronic disease management submitted by. Anthem's 2018 Annual Report 5 The Anthem-TriHealth partnership, which began in 2014, supports primary care providers through payment incentives used in coordinating, planning and managing patient care. 1994 Proxy Statement PDF Format Download (opens in new window) PDF 168 KB. Sustainability reporting helps organizations set goals, measure performance, and manage change in order to have the greatest impact and make their operations more economically, environmentally, and socially responsible. Daimler Truck Sustainability Report 2021 PDF (4.30 MB) Daimler Truck GRI-Index 2021 PDF (0.13 MB) Sustainability reporting is a way for companies to report on matters relating to both environmental, social and ethical factors in the work they do. What We Offer; Who We Serve; Resources; Case studies. L58uUNu4/BKPH6Rq1KP3Zo9L+xXT29RpGWM5 . Beverley G. Flynn Senior Vice President & General Counsel. See Snap Inc. (SNAP) Environment, Social and Governance Ratings to help you in your stock buying decisions. 2011. About; Corporate Compliance; Contact; Facility 1-Bommasandra; Facility 2-Horahalli; Through real-life stories of consumers, partners, associates and community . S&P Global Ratings | Environmental, Social, And Governance (ESG) Evaluation This product is not a credit rating | June 17, 2019 1 Environmental, Social, And Governance (ESG) Evaluation NextEra Energy, Inc. Executive Summary NextEra Energy, Inc. U.S.(NextEra) is a large diversified energy holding company that primarily Through its affiliated companies, Anthem serves more than 116 million people, including more than 43 million within its family of health plans. Once Anthem files its official 2019 return due after the publication DOWNLOAD OUR 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT . 1994 Annual Report PDF Format Download (opens in new window) PDF 255 KB. Regulators' expectations for ethics and compliance teams to leverage data analytics is on the rise. Report 2021 . Here is some of the recognition we received. Corporate Responsibility. PDF. Corporate & Social Responsibility. Altria's responsibility focus areas and initiatives are guided by our materiality assessment process - a comprehensive, formal approach to identify the most impactful Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues that promote long-term sustainability and success. 2021 Schwab Annual Report in PDF View full report Form 10-K Only View 10-K 2022 Proxy Statement View Proxy 0000-2022. Through real-life stories of consumers, partners, associates, and community members, Anthem's report demonstrates how we are improving lives and . Oct 21, 2022 is your last chance to enter the 2nd Annual Anthem Awards, celebrating purpose & mission-driven work from people, companies and organizations . Page 6 of 79 NextEra Energy, Inc. | Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021 1952: FPL holds its first storm drill. Investing in the Future. Our report is aligned with commonly used frameworks including the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), as well as the 10 Principles . In addition, many inequities that existed prior to the pandemic have been laid bare. The Henkel Sustainability Report covers the key ecological and social developments in fiscal 2021. Virginia. Anthem's culture has gained the trust of partners around the world. Trustworthiness, accountability and ethical behavior are central to our culture. Sustainability to us means respecting our environment, delivering outstanding customer value, supporting our communities, empowering our team and growing shareholder value. 03.27.2014. C. Suppliers shall be prepared to document the sustainability of fiber sources and production techniques through independent third party certification programs that meet the following criteria: The Company offers a range of network-based managed care plans to large and small employer, individual, Medicaid and Medicare markets. CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY STRATEGY & GOVERNANCE. We embrace our corporate responsibility as a leader and a steward of a well-functioning ecosystem of health. Event for Officers.

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